60 Days Calculator

IRCTC 60 Days Calculator | Find Train Ticket Booking Dates

Today, you can book tickets for journeys with a departure date up to

Important: The date shown above assumes that the train departs from the starting station on that day.

Book your train tickets now on IRCTC

(The Date of Journey should be the date when the train departs from the starting station)

Booking Open Date

Journey Date Booking Opens From

How to Use the IRCTC 60 Days Calculator

Welcome to the IRCTC 60 Days Calculator on 60DaysCalculator.com. This easy-to-use tool helps you find out when you can book your IRCTC train tickets, based on the new 60 Days Advance Reservation Period (ARP) rule.

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter Your Train Departure Date / Journey Date

    Choose the scheduled departure date of your train, which is the date you plan to travel. You can select this from the calendar or enter it manually.

  2. Click Calculate

    After entering your departure date, press the Calculate button. The calculator will then show you the earliest date you can book your tickets, which is 60 days before your scheduled departure date.

  3. View Your Booking Date

    The tool will display the booking date, which is exactly 60 days prior to your train's departure. This is the first day you can book tickets for that train.

  4. Plan Your Booking

    Once you have the booking date, you can be prepared to book your tickets as soon as the window opens.

Important Note:IRCTC allows booking of tickets only 60 days in advance from the scheduled departure date of the train. Make sure your train departure date is within this 60-day window to use the calculator.

IRCTC 60 Days Calculator: Plan Your Train Journey with Ease

Planning your train journey just got easier with the IRCTC 60 Days Calculator. If you're looking to calculate your ticket booking dates, this powerful tool simplifies the process by factoring in the new 60 Days Advance Reservation Period (ARP) rule. Whether you're booking tickets for an upcoming trip or simply planning ahead, our ticket booking date calculator is here to guide you every step of the way. With options like the IRCTC date calculator, 60 days train ticket calculator, and ARP date calculator, you can easily find your ideal booking window. This tool ensures you're well-prepared, whether you need the train booking date calculator 60 days or a reservation date calculator to check when tickets are available. Experience seamless planning with our advance ticket calculator and take the stress out of booking your next train journey.

Understanding the IRCTC 60 Days Booking Rule

The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) plays a significant role in managing and streamlining train reservations in India. The train ticket booking process has been a subject of great importance and relevance for travelers who wish to journey across India. For years, IRCTC had a 120-day Advance Reservation Period (ARP) that allowed passengers to book tickets well ahead of their journey. However, a significant change has been introduced in the booking system starting from November 1, 2024. The new 60 Days Advance Reservation Period (ARP) replaces the earlier 120-day window.

What Is the New 60 Days ARP Rule?

The new 60 Days Advance Reservation Period (ARP) for IRCTC train tickets, effective from November 1, 2024, drastically reduces the window in which passengers can book tickets. Under the new rule, tickets can only be booked 60 days in advance of the scheduled travel date.

Why the Change to a 60 Days ARP?

How Does the 60 Days Booking Rule Affect Travelers?

For most travelers, the 60 days booking rule represents a significant change. With the reduction of the booking period from 120 to 60 days, passengers now need to plan their journeys more in advance and remain more flexible in terms of booking tickets.

While this might seem inconvenient for some travelers who are accustomed to booking tickets well in advance, the change is designed to benefit passengers in the long run by offering better train management and more accurate ticketing for journeys that are likely to happen.

How to Use the IRCTC 60 Days Booking Time Calculator

One of the most useful tools for travelers is the IRCTC 60 Days Booking Time Calculator. This online tool is designed to help passengers calculate when the booking window opens for their desired train journey. By simply entering the journey date into the calculator, passengers can determine the exact time and date when they can start booking their tickets.

The 60 Days Booking Time – When Does Booking Open?

The 60 days booking time rule is a critical factor in managing the demand for train tickets. As mentioned earlier, under the new system, bookings for train tickets open exactly 60 days before the scheduled departure date. This calculation is essential to ensure that ticket bookings are being made closer to the travel date, which helps IRCTC manage train occupancy effectively.

Exceptions to the 60 Days ARP Rule


The IRCTC 60 Days Booking Rule is a significant change that streamlines the ticket booking process while also ensuring that passengers make their travel plans closer to their actual travel dates. With the introduction of the 60 day ARP, IRCTC aims to improve train management, reduce the booking of unnecessary tickets, and provide better services during peak seasons.

By using tools like the 60 Days Booking Time Calculator, travelers can easily determine when their tickets will be available for booking, allowing them to plan their trips more effectively. While this change might initially seem restrictive, it ultimately benefits both the passengers and the railway authorities by creating a more efficient and responsive train reservation system.


This calculator is provided for informational purposes only and is designed to assist users in determining the 60-day advance ticket booking date for IRCTC as per the latest rules. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the calculations, we do not guarantee the precision or applicability of the results for official purposes. Users are advised to cross-check the booking dates on the official IRCTC website (www.irctc.co.in) before making any travel plans. The use of this tool is at your own discretion, and we are not liable for any errors or discrepancies.